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This annual recap of all our 2021 real weddings is months overdue. But I am still writing it because I love writing these round-up posts. Why I decided to do this as I launch a stretch of 7 weddings in […]

We work on Riverside on the Potomac weddings a lot. An average of once a year – which is a lot for us, since we plan and coordinate about 16-18 weddings per year and there are about 300 venues in […]

Every year I write a data-driven post about the previous year’s weddings (you can read about our 2019 weddings, our 2018 weddings, our 2017 weddings, and our 2016 weddings. ) I love writing this post every year because it gives me a chance to reflect. The […]

Last year I did a traditional Home Gift Guide, but there are so many new homeowners this year (thanks to low interest rates, stability in white color jobs, and the need for a larger space due to WFH!) I thought […]

The biggest challenge, I think, in the wedding industry is that the engaged couple is constantly asking “what does it cost?” And they won’t know what anything costs without procuring a proposal from a provider. This can be an inefficient […]

Thank you SO MUCH for reaching out! And well done on taking your first big step to finding someone you trust to plan your wedding. I am totally addicted to my email, so you will hear back from me in […]