12 Hostess Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season
‘Tis the season for giving thanks and attending parties – not always in that order. I love holiday parties in part because I love to give gifts. I take a lot of pride in the gifts I give, and I hate it when I’m unprepared and I have to bring a random bottle of booze for the party host. (There is absolutely nothing wrong with a thoughtful bottle of booze!) With that in mind, today I am sharing some awesome things I have found on Etsy over the years – some of which I have given with great reception. Enjoy and happy shopping! Oh, and click to see my other Bellwether Ideas.
I have a really boring and matchy set of wine stoppers – that I think I got a decade ago. I’d kill for someone to gift me some of these fabulous handmade bottle stoppers! I guess I’ll have to throw a party.
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Vintage Trophy Wine Bottle Stopper
Some of the best hostess gifts are the most useful (bag of ice anyone?) I love these fun cocktail napkins and I’m sure your party host would too!
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Funny Cocktail Napkins
I died and went to heaven when I started searching celebrity prayer candles on Etsy. This Golden Girls set was among the best, but make sure you also search for the Ryan Gosling and Notorious BIG ones too. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect one for your party host.
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Golden Girls Celebrity Prayer Candles
Puns. Musical puns. Can it get any better? I submit that it cannot. Your party host will love these. If they don’t, you should find a new friend.
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Funny Musical Tea Towels
Again in the super useful category – these vintage cheese markers are super helpful so that your party host doesn’t have to stand by the buffet and inform their guests about the cheeses! (But you will find me by the cheese display, let’s be real.)
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Vintage Cheese Markers
This cutting board is just so gorgeous, and it is made in Baltimore; just up the highway from me. Now if you really want to win over your party host, bring it with a fabulous hors d’eouvres on it.
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Cutting Board
Moving away from items useful at the party, and to ones useful after the party. Yes, you could give a “thanks” note card set, but I like something a bit more generic and thus useful. How about this letterpress “hello” note card set?
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Hello Notecard Set
I’ve long adored this grocery list notepad from Richie Designs, a pal of mine who lives in Long Beach. This is an interesting and unexpected hostess gift that will spruce up any fridge!
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Grocery List Notepad
I cannot be trusted to keep things alive, outside of myself, my husband and my dog. Plants do not survive in my house. But I am so enamored with the seed bomb idea! Even better is that this shop has native seeds for each region of the country. I think a garden-friendly party host would dig these!
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Native Seed Bomb
Again, don’t bring me a mini succulent in an adorable planter. I will kill that plant. But I have many friends who can manage plants, and this adorable, handmade chevron planter would be right up their alley.
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Adorable Mini Planter
A beautiful floral art print. Need I say more?
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Floral Art Print
I couldn’t help including this beautiful piece of art -slash- pet rock paperweight. If someone gave this to me as a hostess gift, I would make sure to invite them to every party I ever hosted again, ever.
Shop This Hostess Gift Idea: Painted Art Rock
What do you think? Are you adding any of these to your Etsy shop right now? Which one hits the mark for your party hostess? Did I miss a great idea that you’ve used in the past for a party hostess? Leave me a comment!
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