Blue Balloon Baby Shower
It has been a year of baby showers for me! I had friends and clients adding to their families, which means I got to do all sorts of fun things! I am in love with this blue balloon baby shower. No particular theme. No crazy games. Just a ton of cool decor, good food, and friends hanging out in a sweet DC home. Endless thanks to Wade Chi for these photos, as he was pulling double duty as guest and photographer!
We did have onesie decorating at this baby shower. I find this to be a fun activity when the party is coed and/or has kids in attendance. Make sure you plan in advance where the completed onesies will lay or hang to dry!
What you are seeing here is about 400 balloons. It took about an hour and 100 balloons to fill the ceiling area above the onesie decorating table. Those are filled with helium. The rest are filled with air (it took 4 adults about 3 hours blow them up) and rigged onto fishing line with mini zip ties. I’ve been having fun experimenting with balloons over the past year. While I’m not going to quit my day job, balloons are fun to experiment with.
You might recognize my co-host, below, with me. We had her Harry Potter Baby Shower about 6 months before this blue balloon baby shower!
While we made all of the savory food, we outsourced the sweets to Amphora and District Desserts. We all knew that desserts were not in our wheelhouse, so we made the the call to let the professionals handle them!
It turned out to be a really nice April afternoon, and lack of sunshine meant we could hang out in the backyard, drink and play cornhole. Look, I’m holding a baby!
Mama-to-be is camera shy, but here is dad-to-be modeling the gifts that were given at the shower. With a small group, the gift opening didn’t take too long, which was nice.