Popcorn Bar Necessities | Bellwether Ideas
Today is National Popcorn Day. A day that will not be missed on this blog! I absolutely love popcorn. When Larry and I go to the movies (which is at least once a month, we love going to the movies!) I always get 3 treats: popcorn, raisenettes and sour patch kids. I love to alternate between the sweet, sour and salty snacks while I’m enjoying the previews!
Thus, in honor of this special day, and one of my favorite snacks, I wanted to share all the ingredients for the perfect popcorn bar at your next party!
I found this amazing Popcorn Bar by Pen + Paper Flowers on Pinterest, and it is the perfect inspiration for a popcorn bar at your wedding, birthday party, baby or bridal shower – let’s be real – any party you throw should have a popcorn bar. There are so many options here. You can do plain popcorn with seasonings. You can do a variety of flavored popcorns. Or, my favorite, the mixins’ here – basically allowing you to turn basic popcorn into fabulous puppy chow!
Now that we see the inspiration, let’s look at the ingredients you will need for your own awesome popcorn bar.
Your need to alert your guests to the existence of your popcorn bar, so you need a nice big sign!
Shop this popcorn bar sign: Modern Printable
Shop this popcorn bar sign: Gold Glitter Banner
Shop this popcorn bar sign: Balloon Banner
Then of course you need something to put the popcorn in – you have a few options here, just make sure it is food safe!
Shop this popcorn bar container: Metal Bucket
Shop this popcorn bar container: Glass jars
Shop this popcorn bar container: Wooden Bucket
Treat Bags
Now, consider what your party guests are going to put the popcorn in? Part of this decision should be driven by whether you plan for your guests to eat the popcorn on site, or take it home with them. If the later, it needs to be a bag or box that can somewhat close for the trip home!
Shop this popcorn bar bag: Vintage Treat Bag
Shop this popcorn bar bag: Glam Treat Boxes
Shop this popcorn bar bag: Midnight Snack treat bag
Shop this popcorn bar bag: Punny Favor Bag
Here is where you get to have fun! Seasonings, flavors, mixings – what would you like to add to your popcorn to make it awesome?
Shop this popcorn bar idea: Popcorn Seasonings
Don’t forget the labels for the display! Your guests will need to know what you are serving!
Shop this popcorn bar idea: Popcorn Jar Labels
And something that is often forgotten – the scoops! You gotta have the scoops!
Shop this popcorn bar necessity: Silver Scoops
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